PENNSYLVANIA postcard - Pittsburgh, PA
A very clear real photo postcard showing a steel bridge in the center and another one a little one down the way as well as a partial one on the left. In the lower left there is a sign that reads backwards forfor North Pole Rea_ Ice Cr__ (North Pole Real Ice Cream??) / the building on the lower part before the bridge has W W LAWRENCE AND CO PAINTS AND VARNISHES / rail road tracks, rail cars / steam boats etc. Across the water are signs for: PITTSBURGH WHARF AND TERMINAL CO ____ TRAFFIC CO FREIGHT VIA RIVER AND RAIL / UNION ELECTRIC CO / PICKERING / ROSE BAUMS / __MMLER AND SCHENCE? CO SCHENCE CHINA CO / RCA VICTOR RADIOS KELVINATORS / GEORGE E DAUGHERTY? CO, QUALITY CANNED............COFFEE AND TEAS and a few others that I couldn't make out - but if you know what might have been there, you may be able to tell better than I
Genuine Photograph made by The Process Photo Studios